The Book
If you or a mom you know is on the verge of willingly throwing a match in the gas can of mom-bound life, this hilarious relatable book is for you. Gift it to yourself (you deserve it) and all your friends who have children…or even your friends who don't…you know, as a cautionary tale.
Motherhood is thought of as a peaceful, calm, everyone-is-happy, love-filled experience with children who eat all the fruits and vegetables, go to sleep peacefully every night, and clean up after themselves. In all actuality, motherhood is a soul-crushing, exhausting, patience-worn-thin journey in which kids don't eat ANY of the fruits and vegetables, they fight with you every night about going to sleep, and the constant messy house makes you feel like you live in a kid/parent war zone. Love You, Mean It (Sometimes) shares the frustratingly honest struggles of three moms on any given day. It will resonate with moms in ways that will leave them knowing they're not alone in this motherhood journey. This first of its kind illustrated book about motherhood, will cover topics, including:
Check out the Kickstarter page to see how the book came to be. The "behind the scenes", so to speak.